Kalamata, also known as "Fares" in the time of Homer, is the capital of the prefecture of Messinia, it has a population of over 54,000 inhabitants and is built on the outskirts of Mount Taygetos. Kalamata is a place that every traveler can visit all year round, combining sea and mountain, classical and modern architecture. Numerous monuments, archaeological sites can be enjoyed by every visitor. The castle of Kalamata, the archaeological site of Akoviti, the ruins of the old city of Thouria are some of the historical sites that every visitor deserves to visit. Equally important are the sights such as the "Mana - Elia" of Kalamata, the mother plant of the Kalamata variety standing at 14 meters high and hundreds of years old, the Railway Municipal Park and museums such as the Archaeological Museum, the Historical and Folklore Museum and the Benaki Museum. Within a short distance from the city we can enjoy organized and breathtaking beaches with golden sand and crystal clear waters.